Tips for healthy balanced diet

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A balanced diet refers to food containing all types of food nutrients in the correct proportions . We should eat a diet
low in fats , sugars and salts but high in proteins , carbohydrates , vitamins , minerals and roughage . More importanantly , we should take in large amounts of water .

However, It is recommended that we eat more fish , poultry products and legumes ( such as peas, beans and peanuts ) instead of red meat as protein sources .

The following should be done in order to maintain a healthy body :

1. Physical activity can preserve and improve your health . Therefore, it is important to balance your food intake and exercise .

2. Minimize your intake of fats and oils by eating foods low in fats, sugars and salts

3. Include plenty of grains, fruits and vegetables in your diet .

Eating a variety of foods will provide the body with energy and nutrients that it requires to maintain proper health .
