Physical changes during puberty for boys and girls

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Puberty is the stage when children begin to mature biologically , psychologically and socially and their bodies become capable of reproduction . It usually occurs
between ages ten and fourteen in girls and ages twelve and sixteen in boys .

During this time , the body develops secondary sexual characteristics which create a distinct difference between males and females . Puberty leads to adolescence. Adolescence is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood .

Changes in girls at puberty
1. Body size increases rapidly .
2. Breasts develop .
3. Hair grows in the armpits and pubic area .
4. Waist narrows and hips broaden .
5. Menstruation begins .
6. Pimples may develop on the face .
7. Sweat and oil glands become more active leading to changes in body odour .

Changes in boys at puberty
1. Body size increases rapidly .
2. Reproductive organs enlarge .
3. Muscles grow .
4.Hair grows on the face ( beards ) and in the armpits and pubic region .
5. Voice deepens .
6. Shoulders and chest broaden .
7. Sperm production begins .
8. Wet dreams begin .
9. Pimples may develop on the face .
10. Sweat and oil glands become more active leading to changes in body odour .

So above article was all about what you need to know about physical changes during puberty for boys and girls . And also the next article will be about how to maintain personal hygiene and good manner during puberty , So don't miss this .

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