Poisoning Treatment

A poison is any substance that causes harm if it swallowed , inhaled or absorbed into the body . Poisons include
household cleaning detergents , pesticides , poisonous plants and medicines

Signs and symptoms of poisoning include burns or redness around the mouth , breath that smells of chemicals , burns , stains or odour on the victim or his or her , vomiting and diarrhoea , difficulty while breathing or abdominal cramps .

Treatment for poisoning

Establish which poison is involved . If the poison is in the eye , wash the eye using clean lukewarm water and encourage the victim to blink as much as possible . Do not rub the eye .

If the poison is on the skin , remove any contaminated clothing and pour clean water on the affected area for ten minutes . Cover the area with a soft clean cloth . Do not apply grease or ointments .

If the poison has been breathed in , move the person outside where there is plenty of fresh air . If the victim is not breathing , start mouth to mouth resuscitation .

If the poison has been swallowed , give a glass of milk or water or both . This helps to dilute and neutralize the poison

Do not induce vomiting if the poison is a corrosive substance such as kerosene , bleach , detergent , laboratory acid , disinfectant , paint thinner , toilet cleaner , turpentine or lighter fluid .

Induce vomiting if the poison is non-corrosive , for example alcohol , aspirin , laxative , soap , sleeping or wax . Vomiting can be induced by putting your finger in the victim's throat or by making the victim gargle soapy water or raw egg yolk .

Take the person to hospital immediately
