How pathogens can spread diseases

The are diseases which can be spread from one person to another . These diseases are caused by pathogens such as
viruses , bacteria and protozoa .

The following are ways in which pathogens can spread diseases

Droplet infections
Infected secretions are transferred from the nose or mouth onto surfaces or hands by droplets produced when sneezing , spitting , coughing or speaking . Example of diseases spread by droplet infections are tuberculosis and influenza .

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Through contact

These infections are usually spread by contact with infected skin , clothing , combs or dressings . Scabies and measles are contagious diseases .

Through sexual intercourse
These infections are spread through sexual contact . Examples are gonorrhoea , syphilis , and HIV and AIDS .

Through contaminated food an water

Some pathogens are discharged in faeces of infected persons and transmitted to other people either by water or food . Cholera and typhoid are spread in this way .


Pathogens are spread by organism such as fleas , mosquitoes and lice . Such organisms are known as vectors . Examples of diseases transmitted by vectors are malaria and sleeping sickness .

I think now you understand well how diseases ( communicable diseases ) can be spread by pathogens . Hope you like this article , do share it with your friends .
