Factors that affect the human immune system

Immunity is the ability of the body to resist infection and disease . Immunity builds the body's defence against infections and
diseases and thus helps us to remain healthy . The human immune system consists of the white blood cells , the lymphatic system , Spleen , thymus , skin and the bone marrow . These components need to be kept in good condition in order for the body to have adequate immunity

Immunity can be affected by factors such as ;

Poor nutrition

Bad nutritional habits have a negative effect on the immune system . People who do not get a balanced diet with proper quantities of nutrients are easily attacked by diseases . It is important to have adequate amounts of proteins , carbohydrates , fats and vitamins in our diet in order to improve the body's immunity .

Lack of vaccination

If a person is not vaccinated against infected . For example , a child who is not vaccinated against measles gets the infection easily if there is an outbreak . Once a person gets a disease , it is too late to vaccinate against it .

Genetic disorders

Some people are born with conditions that affect their immunity . For example , albinos have a skin that is less resistant to harmful rays from the sun compared to normal skin . Hence , albinos have a higher risk of getting skin cancer .

Incomplete treatment

If a sick person does not take a complete dose of treatment for an infection or disease , this may affect immunity . This is because the disease causing microorganisms are not completely destroyed and could therefore be re-activated easily , Causing the infection or disease to recur .

Attack by pathogens

Pathogens are microorganisms which release harmful substances or attack and destroy white blood cells , which form an important part of the immune system . This makes the body more susceptible to infections .

Extreme stress

Studies have shown that people under very stressful conditions, for example those who have experienced accidents causing permanent disability or people who have been displaced from their homes , often have low immunity . They therefore get infections easily .

Damage to the skin

The skin acts as a barrier , preventing microorganisms from entering the body . When the skin is damaged , for example due to severe burns or numerous cuts , this barrier is broken . Disease-causing microorganisms can therefore enter the body more easily .

So in order to prevent our immune system we should eat a balanced diet , relax and avoid Stress , complete treatment and be vaccinated .
