Cholera : causes , symptoms and preventive measures

Cholera is a severe bacterial infection caused by bacteria called vibrio cholerae which primarily affects the small intestine .

Cholera is a water borne diseases also referred to as transmission by faecal contamination since a healthy person contacts the disease by eating or drinking stuffs that have been contaminated by faeces
( either directly or through flies ) .

Signs / Symptoms of cholera

Below are signs or symptoms of cholera

The main symptoms include production of profuse watery stool which after some time becomes almost clear liquid which flakes of mucus ( described as rice water ) . Vomiting follows diarrhea which also turn rice water later . The severity of the diarrhea and associated vomiting can lead to rapid dehydration and electrolyte loss . A patient may also experience abdominal pain . These symptoms start suddenly , usually one to five days after infection .

The preventive measures

The following are preventive measures should be taken :

1. Wash hands after visiting the toilet

2. Boil or treat drinking water

3. Wash hands before eating

4. Wash fruits and vegetables

5. Eat hot food

6. Vaccination

7. Medical treatment . Tetracycline can prevent cholera in households where there is a cholera case . But administration of tetracycline to the entire population is impractical and inadvisable .

Education about cholera and healthier living styles should be offered through mass media .
