All you need to know about infections and diseases

An infection occurs when pathogens invade the body . Pathogens are microorganisms that cause disease . They include viruses , bacteria , fungi and
amoeba .

A disease is condition that interferes with the health of the body . It can be caused by an interferes with the health of the body . It can be caused by an infection , an inborn condition or environmental factors .

Diseases are usually characterized by certain signs or symptoms .

There is a difference between an infection and disease . Infection simply means that a microorganisms that can cause disease is inside a person's body . The infected person may not show any signs of the body being unwell . A disease comes about when the infection causes the person to notice that something is wrong .

Diseases can cause the following negative effects ;

1. Body weakness and inability to work

2. Increased cost of health care

3. Stress to the ailing person and the family

4. Reduced productivity due to absenteeism from the workplace .

5. Permanent damage to the body

6. Death

Diseases can be communicable or non communicable .

Communicable diseases

There are diseases which can be spread from one person to another . They are caused by pathogens such as viruses ,bacteria and protozoa
These diseases are gonorrhoea , syphilis , and HIV and AIDS etc .

Non communicable diseases

These diseases are not infectious . They cannot be spread from person to person . Non communicable diseases may be caused by deficiency of nutrients , environmental pollutants such as smoke or radiation , food poisoning , genetic defects , being overweight , stress and old age .

Examples of non communicable diseases are obesity , kwashiorkor , diabetes , and sickle-cell anaemia

So this article was all about you need to know about infections and diseases. Hope you like this article , Share it with your friends

Read also ;

How communicable diseases can be spread

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