13 Tips to avoid STIs , STDs and HIV

STIs , STDs and HIV are infections and diseases , respectively , that are spread through sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual contact . They are also sometimes referred to as venereal infections or venereal diseases , respectively .

The following are activities which you should avoid to stay away from STIs , STDs and HIV

1. Abstain from sex before marriage

2. Be faithful to one uninfected sexual partner after marriage or use a condom

3. Only screened blood should be used for transfusion .

4. Do not share needles and blades . It is best to use disposable needles and blades . Dispose of them properly after use .

5. Avoid taking all forms of recreational drugs .

6. Keep good company . Avoid immoral friends .

7. Learn to resist peer pressure . Be firm and assertive when declining misleading advice .

8. Remember that often we cannot tell if someone is infected with HIV , STIs or STDs just by looking at them . Tests at a health facility are the only sure way of knowing whether or not a person is infected with HIV , STIs or STDs . HIV and AIDS and STDs can infect people of any gender , religion or race .
Having sex with a virgin cannot cure HIv and AIDS . Touching , shaking hands with or hugging people cannot transmit HIV and AIDS .

9. Do not accept gifts or favours from members of the opposite sex .

10 . Report all cases of sexual abuse , for example rape , to a trusted person and to the police . Go to a health facility as soon as possible .

11. Avoid staying in very secluded ares with members of the opposite sex

12. Go out in the company of trusted family members or friends .

13. Do not share personal items , e.g toothbrushes , underwear , etc
