How to provide first aid for victim of electric shock

First aid for victim of electric shock

Let’s have a look at the guide to provide first aid for victim of electic shock in order to save his / her life . So have a look at complete guide
discussed below to proceed.

When dealing with a victim of electric shock, it is important to remember the following :

1. Do not touch a person who is still in contact with electrick current . Doing so many cause electocution

2. Do not go near high voltage wires until the current is switched off.


Turn off the source of electricity . If it is not possible to turn off the electricity , move the victim from the current using a dry non- metallic object , for instance a dry piece of wood .

Check for signs of blood circulation such as breathing , coughing or movement. If the person is not breathing , begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation :

1. Loosen any clothing around the neck .

2. Ensure there are no obstructions in the mouth and throat .

3. With one hand on the victim's forehead and the other on the chin , tilt the head backwards in order to open the airways.

4. If there is still no sign of breathing , gently pinch the nose, take a deep breath and breath into the victim's mouth . The victim's mouth should be covered with a clean cloth to minimize infection.

5. Watch to see if the victim's chest rises and falls .

6. Continue with the resuscitation until the victim starts breathing normally.

7. Put the person in the recovery position or the shock position so as to allow blood circulation and air movement. Then, get professional medical help.
