11 Principles of Good Manners You Should Know

principles of good manners

Good Manners can be defined as behaviour that is socially acceptable . It includes honesty , respect for others , politeness and helpfulness .
Today I'm going to share with you 11 principles of good manners in which you should follow in order to live well in your community

11 principles of good manners

1.Maintain a good posture when sitting or standing .

2. In a conversation :
(i) Speak in a clear voice

(ii) do not shout or talk too softly

(iii) do not interrupt when another person is talking

(iv)do not use foul language

(v) listen attentively to what the other person is saying

(vi) avoid dwelling on topics that are unfamiliar, boring or embarrassing to other people

(vii) do not dominate the conversation . Give other people a chance to talk

(viii) be respectful when you disagree with someone's opinion .

3. Welcome visitors warmly . Introduce them to the people they do not know .

4. Be helpful to other people . If you can give assistance , do not wait until you are asked .

5. Greet people politely . If you were sitting , stand up straight . If you were walking or running , stand still.

6. Be punctual when you are meeting or visiting someone.

7. Dress properly according to the occasion and the social norms of your community .

8. Cover your mouth when you sneeze , cough or yawn

9. When you are eating :

(i) chew with your mouth closed

(ii) eat at a reasonable pace

(iii) use serving spoons to serve food

(iv) do not talk with food in your mouth

(v) avoid discussing things that could make other people lose their appetite

(vi) serve yourself reasonable portions of food

(vii) avoid criticizing food prepared by other people

(viii) do not waste food . Finish what you have on your plate .

10. Say "please" when requesting for something.

11 . Say " thank you " when you are given something or are allowed to do something .

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